LOVE HACKING, directed by Jenni Nelson, a recent MFA grad in Documentary Film and Video at Stanford University, won the Outstanding Documentary Award at the Angelus Student Film Festival. The film follows the journey of Tim Heath, a Silicon Valley robot inventor
After a personal reawakening, Tim radically shifts his outlook on courtship and utilizes the technology he knows best in order to find love.He meets Sarita on a dating website, the couple get engaged over Skype.
Tim finds himself on a plane to Nepal to meet his new fiance in person for the first time.
LOVE HACKING is a contemporary love story where Mormons and Hindus come together in a journey of faith, technology, and marriage.
The film will screen in Park City at Mountain Vineyard on January 23 at 7 pm as part of the Angelus On The Road series, which has included screenings of Angelus-winning films during the Sundance Film Festival for the past eight years.